Bdinski sbornik

[Folio 1r]

Maintained by: David J. Birnbaum ( [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported License] Last modified: 2024-07-01T17:33:25+0000

Bdinski sbornik

Manuscript and text

Position Html Raw xml Editor
Continuous Folios
1 Mary, Abraham’s niece 1r117v11 abraham.xml Sels
2 Theodora 17v1239r4 theodora.xml Popowycz
3 Thecla 39r558r12 thecla.xml Popowycz
4 Petka 58r1372r6 paraskeva.xml Popowycz
5 Barbara and Julijanija 72r777r16 barbara-julijanija.xml Sels
15 Colophon 242r1242r19 colophon.xml Birnbaum
(Other texts coming soon)

Supporting materials

Development reports

Development files

Texts encoded by David J. Birnbaum (, Michel de Dobbeleer (, Alexandre Popowycz (, and Lara Sels (